ReBranded- Wellness Coaching Details!

It has been a couple months. I know...

With the sun making more frequent appearances, I feel more inclined to be seen and heard. 

Since last time, I have made a small change in my schedules and business. Waiting tables was slowly but surely stealing my soul. Money gained from tips is typically awesome. Yet, working in a bar made me feel personally alienated. I smile and chat like the best of them, but there is something that is yet to be refined when it comes to my social skills in the bar scene. So, I bid that job adieu and now have a few more hours of free time in my life. Of course, any time I have free time, I feel incredibly off balance. So, I am also taking on new clients for Wellness Coaching. 

Wellness Coaching is a broad arena of health care. It covers anything and everything that can help one get to where they want to be physically and mentally. My expertise lies within Personal Fitness Training, Nutrition Counselling and Yoga Instruction. Therefore, I have combined these services in a way that allows anyone to take advantage of them. It is like an 'a la carte' approach. After an initial assessment, I will evaluate your personal goals and find a wellness solution that fits you. From there, we will work together to get you where you want to be! 

I am ready and eager for questions, so shoot me a message or fill out the form on the Wellness Coaching page and get started today!